Terms of Service

newtabplus.me does not analyse the content of files whilst processing them and only Users will have access to the edited files once DY1 has processed them. If chosen by the user, this link can be shared with someone else. DY1 will automatically delete processed files from their servers after a defined period of time depending on the tool used:

  • PDF to Word 20 minutes
  • PDF to Excel 20 minutes
  • PDF to Powerpoint 20 minutes
  • PDF to JPG 20 minutes
  • PDF to PNG 20 minutes
  • Word to PDF 20 minutes
  • Excel to PDF 20 minutes
  • Powerpoint to PDF 20 minutes
  • JPG to PDF 20 minutes
  • PNG to PDF 20 minutes

Users bear the sole responsibility for the usage of their own files.

DY1 is limited to offer users access to their own processed files. These files will only remain stored on our servers during the time that the download link is available.

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